Welding instructor sparks student achievement

21 Jun 2023
Roswell Daily Record
Dusty Baker, Welding Technology Program Director at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, has won the 2023 NC3/LEEPS Welding Instructor of the Year, a prestigious national award.
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Vasquez forms bipartisan Southwest Caucus
Jun 21 2023Roswell Daily Record
U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez (D-NM-02) and one of his Republican colleagues last week said they have teamed up to create a working group dedicated to narrowing the vast partisan divide while trying to advance legislation related to issues facing their respective states
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NMMI's new academy receives large grant
Jun 20 2023Roswell Daily Record
New Mexico Military Institute’s Intermediate Preparatory Academy has received $300,000 in grant funding from the Daniels Fund to assist the families of students coming to the academy with the cost of tuition.
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Life in Roswell-Chaves County is Better!
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