Building the Nation’s EV Charging Infrastructure
1 Dec 2022
The passage of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) bolstered an unprecedented opportunity for states and cities to invest in sustainable infrastructure that was introduced in the 2021 $2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Both acts, along with a new crop of related programs, include provisions to expand the nation’s electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure — a complex challenge that will require private-sector expertise and investment potentially through public-private partnerships (P3s), to keep pace with growing EV demand.
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Raising Local Labor Force Participation
Dec 1 2022Businesses across the country, in communities large and small, have been challenged to find workers since well before the pandemic. As of November 2022, there were about four million more job openings than available workers, equal to about 1.7 open positions for every person looking for a job.

FRI: Caregiver shortage next target for NM lawmakers, APS to try new grading program, + More
Nov 25 2022Lawmakers are planning to introduce a bill in the upcoming 2023 legislative session that aims to address the critical shortage of caregivers that give therapy and other services to New Mexicans with developmental disabilities.
As the Albuquerque Journal reports, two lawmakers –– Rep. Elizabeth Thomson and Sen. Gerald Ortiz...

The Marines for Chaves County Toys for Tots program is looking for toy donations for children who otherwise might have no toy at Christmas. The iconic Toys for Tots collection boxes with the red train are found in local businesses throughout the area, including the Roswell Daily Record. Toys should...