Profile Photo for Kyle Bullock

Kyle Bullock


Department: Board - Executive Committee

Kyle Bullock is the manager and co-owner of Bullocks Jewelry in Roswell, NM.


Board of Directors

Phelps Anderson 
Riley Armstrong 
Nicole Austin
Emily Cometti
Don Doyle                     
Parker Folse                     
Caleb Grant                   
Karen Jaramillo
Jeremy Kohler                     
Daniel Lopez  
Tracey Noriega 



Ex Officios

Jennifer Griego – Director, Roswell Air Center                     
Tony Garcia – Mayor of Hagerman                     
Mitch Daubert – Mayor of Dexter                     
Ysidro Salazar – Mayor of Lake Arthur                     
Andrea Moore – President, RCC                     
Brian Luck – Superintendent, Roswell ISD                     
Curtis Clough – Superintendent, Hagerman ISD                     
Heather Garner – Superintendent, Dexter ISD                     
Dr. Shawn Powell – President, ENMU-Roswell
BG Voris W. McBurnette, Ed.D – Superintendent, NMMI                     
Diane Ventura – Field Rep, US Senator Martin Heinrich                     
Dora Batista – SNMEDD Council of Governments
Warren Yehl - CEO, Eastern NM Medical Center
Nick Shirilla - Lovelace Regional Hospital